Thursday, April 14, 2011


It's dark and dreary and cold and rainy...and I'm loving it.  It's fair to assume that I will be drinking plenty of hot tea and staring out the window today, and probably feeling a little sorry for the mail carriers.
rainbow of raindrops
flood v

I'm sorry but you were holding me back
Artwork by two of my favorite artists...Golly Bard and Danna Ray.


  1. wondered when you would show up again. like the storm cloud. excited to see you and grant and it should be a nice weekend.

  2. what is your secret to finding art? I think the rain clouds are neat. Neat...who says that word anymore? I also used the word, ghetto, yesterday. How lame is that!! I am wathing The Early Show right now and they are talking about sleep and making sure we get the best sleep. Did you take a nap yesterday? All of the kids are still sleeping and I re-read our study this morning and have had some alone time instead of going back to bed :D

  3. I say "neat" but I like to put an "o" on the end. :)

  4. As someone who has quite a bit of contact with letter carriers they appreciate the thoughts of them especially in the rain!

  5. BoMar, you are my favorite letter carrier. :)
